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Improve Your Health, Improve Your Hair

Natureway started in 2019 with the help of funding from the National Lottery. Natureway provides an opportunity for people of African Caribbean backgrounds to look at how Caribbean food has been used historically for nutrition, well-being and beauty and how these cultural methods and traditions can improve their health, well-being and appearance including hair in today’s world.


Natureway founders have grown up and lived in Luton. During this time they have been aware that a lot of culture information from elders and prior generations about nutrition, well-being and hair care have not always been passed on to younger members of the African-Caribbean community.


So Natureway has been keen to help the local community become more educated and informed by developing opportunities so relevant Caribbean culture can be appreciated and shared.


Many people within the Luton African Caribbean community are wanting to find more ways to live more healthily and more culturally, especially as Luton is a town made up of many diverse nationalities.

Black hair is a crown

Black people globally are expressing the confidence of wearing their hair naturally.  Previously it was a necessity for Black women chemically alter their hair to be seen as employable.

Natureway is aware of the large amounts of Black Hair products that contain harmful ingredients.  Natureway believes in using traditional hair care methods and natural botanical (non-chemical) ingredients to gently manage natural hair. 

The Process

Natureway will develop opportunities within the Luton African-Caribbean community to both gain and share information about cooking healthy Caribbean cuisine as well managing Black hair using only natural (non-chemical) products.

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